

  • That is fantastic and I am going to take a hint from you and toot my horn as well! I am down almost 30 lbs in 4 weeks~!! I almost cried when I saw the #'s on the scale!!! I tell ya what when I see this kind of results all those dang "chocolate" rice cakes were soooo worth it :bigsmile: Created by - Free…
  • I prefer the cacao but ima chocoholic by nature
  • I absolutely do calculate ALL fact for my 45 min of showering and drying off....getting dressed all that I burn almost 300 calories for my is part of the weight loss and the goal so of course I factor it in hun.... Obviously these activities havent…
  • :laugh: See I am not just a quick fix chick!! I may be new to this site but I am surely not new to dieting LOL and I do look for the practical use for most things and ANYTHING that helps me stay on track without sacrificing my quest for healthy eating is ok in my book. :wink:
  • Pretty much.....they have numerous flavors....cacao.....strawberry....lots.....sometimes depending on the flavor I forget what I am eating.....:bigsmile:
  • I havent had any bad side effects as of yet....FIber bars are SUPPOSED to do that hun :bigsmile:
  • I eat them when I go out to dinner with friends to ensure i DO NOT overdo it.....Or when I have a party I need to go to....situations like that....I agree for that price dont and for that matter CANT eat them everyday.....:smile: they work by swelling up in the bottom of the stomach sort of creating a "natural pouch"…
  • I wanted to pass along my newest and greatest discovery....Fullbars! They were developed by a bariatric surgeon in Denver...they are made of puffed wheat and eat them 30 min before your 2 biggest meals of the day and they are designed to have you eat 500 calories LESS per meal!! I have lost 4 lbs in 2 days and…
  • 4oz Multigrain pasta with 1/4 cup organic homade sauce and ONE piece of garlic bread...... Created by - Free Food Diary
  • I have to say when I first looked at the amount I had left I was shocked too but then I looked at what I ate and truly feel like I did ok.......I guess the site gave me more calories allotted because of how much I worked out today.....That part I dont quite get...if I work out GREAT right...why tempt me by telling me I can…
  • Sounds like you completely get my situation love! Even down to the reading while she plays!! I feel like such a schmuck!! Today seemed a bit easier.....I ended the day with a +563 calorie consumption...meaning I had an EXTRA 563 calories that could have been eaten today.....and I am on a daily goal of 1300. Must be doing…
  • I feel like I need to clarify something....I am still on track to have the surgery i just wanted to see if I can do this as well. As someone mentioned the surgery wont work unless you change your eating habits and I feel like this journey will allow me to get in the healthy mindframe prior to surgery so that the change in…
  • Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • I see the commercials for the doctor here in colorado springs all the time next time i see it i will jump back on and tell you his name and #
  • I almost forgot my ticker.....I LOVE this and cant believe I forgot it!! Created by - Calorie Counter
  • So I woke up a few days ago and decided that after 31 years I am tired of pretending to be "comfortable" with my weight and how I look. All these years I have been so good at putting on this confident persona that people always comment is so inspiring. I have been the big girl who is soooo happy being the big girl that I…
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