

  • I used to drink LOTS of coke PLUS coffee in the AM. I still buy sodas but I have seriously curbed my intake over the past couple of years. I must admit though, I'm not willing to give up coffee. I won't. As for the sodas, I have a couple of tricks. I try not to buy cans. I personally seem to drink more soda when I have…
  • Thanks for the helpful hints! And actually, I just bought a thing of peanuts today to snack on! I will definitely be getting some avocados! I usually cook with olive oil. And I bumped up my protein but I think I'm lagging in fiber. I will try to incorporate that more with my protein and see how that does. And my calories…
  • Wow! I'm going to friend you. I think we may be able to motivate each other! I am on a fitness crazy right now too (my husband's coming home from deployment in about 6 weeks). I don't have a lot of drive to be honest, I call it a love/hate relationship. ;) I also consider myself to be "workout ADD". I get bored very…
  • Your muscles may also be temporarily swelling up from doing a new type of exercise which may be causing the temporary gain. (Cause the muscles have been strained (in a good way)). And you do build muscle very quickly. Have you ever lifted weights on your arms really hard for just a few days? Whoo, girl, they bulk pretty…
  • You've done a great job on the 45 lbs already! Good job! I added you!
  • Hi ladies! I would love to join! I just had my second child about 9 months ago. It's definitely been harder the second time around plus two C-sections. Ugh. I have about 10 lbs to go. . . After my first child, I not only lost all the baby weight within one year but I was SKINNIER than my prepregnancy weight but I worked…
  • Stick with it! Just remember, because you aren't on track for a bit doesn't mean the game is over! It's continual! Have you ever thought about buying healthy snacks that don't expire quickly (and that you constantly keep on hand) so when you can't make it to the store... you have those easy to go to items? I usually try to…