

  • Agreed!! Just started day one of month two today and wow, those last 15 minutes are tough! I liked some of the new moves though!
  • I started insanity on the 2nd. This week starts my recovery week. I'm starting to get a little frustrated because after a month of working out 6 days a week and tracking all of my calories I have only lost 2 lbs (my goal is 25lbs) Everyone tells me that I'm building muscle and that weighs more than fat, but I don't look or…
  • Wow! Congratulations, you look fabulous!! I just started with beachbody, I'm in my third week of Insanity, and I'm getting discouraged because I've only lost a pound. I'm not giving up though, I plan on doing P90X after the 60 days of insanity...How long did it take you before you started noticing results?