PaleoPath4Lyfe Member


  • Fat does not make you fat and NO you can't eat as much fruit as you want. Well, I guess it depends on what your goals are. If your goals are just to watch some arbitrary number called a calorie count and exercise yourself to death to lose weight, then fine eat as much as you want. However, if your goals are for good health…
  • We got rid of our sweet tooth by abstaining from those types of foods. We may indulge in a bite or two of something every now and again, but it has to be a really special occasion to do so. Like our anniversary, someone's wedding or like my nephew's first communion coming up
  • I occasionally get body wraps done along with daily dry brushing it has helped me to have very soft, smooth skin.
  • If the OP is like me, this will not help him.. Higher fat and protein..................lower on the carbs. Eating meats with fats on them for protein and fat..............lots of green leafy vegetables for carbs along with berries and melons for fruits. Nuts and seeds are your snacking friend. I brought my A1C down…
  • With Diabetes and Insulin Resistance, weight loss is NOT the only thing that matters. Carbs are not your friend at this point. You have to severely watch your carb intake (not the ADA intake either). My A1C was where yours is at today. Currently, down to 5.2 I eat a high fat, moderate protein, lower carb way of eating that…
  • Yes. Has anyone ever slept in a cave??? I did a couple of times and then one night got drove out by bats.
  • I am wondering the same thing. We walk, sprint on occasion and lift heavy things at work and home and do some other exercises using our own body as the gym. I am no longer a gym rat and I am losing weight finally at a "normal" pace.
  • ^^^This. It works for me.
  • I love Kombucha. MMMMMMMM. I buy it and I make it at home.
  • Welcome back. And Hey, we are all human and not expected to be perfect. The thing is you fell off the wagon, recognized it and now have dusted yourself off to go again. The only failure in life is not trying. :drinker:
  • Yes eating good, real food will provide all the nutrients we need. In fact, many doctors are recommending not taking vitamins because most of them are not absorbed anyway, so its a waste of time and money.
  • Add grass fed to this statement and that is me. Except I no longer eat bread of any kind.
  • Fresh, farm raised meats, adequate fats in your eating plan and fresh fruits and vegetables. :flowerforyou: The best that nature can provide.
  • Seared beef liver and Exo bars.............. And I am dead serious.
  • Maybe its my military training and I think differently, but feeling sorry for ones' self is never healing and shouldn't be justified. It just hinders progress.
  • Neither Insanity nor P90X claims for someone to lose 100 pounds in 3 months. It also says to go at your own pace until you can fully do the whole workout. This post is useless.
  • I would venture to say that I don't believe he would expect her to be model thin again, but to be 200 pounds over weight is ridiculous. How do you even let yourself go that much???? I would have stopped myself long before that. I am disgusted at myself that I need to lose 80 pounds. Her stating she doesn't have time is all…
  • Venting your feelings, how you truly feel, is NOT verbal abuse. No where in her comments did she say he called her any names or such. GEEZUS fellow women, stop being so thin skinned.
  • Speaking your mind and venting your feelings is not abuse. She never stated that he called her names or threatened to hit her if she didn't lose weight. From her original post I never got a feeling of any abuse and since I lived a whole child hood of abuse, I can usually spot it a mile away.
  • I knew it. You are looking for people to feel sorry for you. You got what you wanted so you can continue on with your excuses in your mind and to your husband all the while making him out to be the bad guy. Well played. Bravo for you.
  • I was raised by an abusive mother. What he said is him speaking his mind and feelings to his wife. This is not abuse.
  • Your exactly right. I know my husband and I sometimes say things to one another that other people would be severely butt hurt and heading to divorce court over it................. Sometimes when your upset and it doesn't seem like the other person cares, the words just don't come out right. The difference…
  • Vitamin D isn't the sole factor of your weight gain, but it is sure a contributing factor. I suffer from low Vitamin D also and find when I did a combination of Light therapy (tanning bed) and the Oral Vitamin D I am able to lose weight with the way I eat effortlessly. I did only the oral Vitamin D supplement this past…
  • I :heart: you!!!
  • As a woman, I am ashamed at how so many women let their emotions rule their lives. No wonder there are so many unhappy husbands that go around cheating on their wives. They can't say anything without the wife getting their poor little feelings hurt and then have to broadcast it to the world for all to see so all other…
  • I don't see where him stating his feelings that she let herself go is belittling her. That is not bullying. No one can make another person feel worthless. Only YOU (as a person) can make you feel worthless. If someone being honest and saying, Hey, your fat and need to lose weight is bullying - then that is saying that…
  • Not sure why you posted that to me??? I speak the truth. You all are bashing her husband without hearing the WHOLE story. Shame that women just gang up on men like that. I would expect my husband to be very upset with me if I spread our personal business out for the whole world to see. She should be talking to him, not us.…