

  • Hello, Do you run? I used to run, but I haven't in about 2 weeks, but I need to start back up. I even thought about buying a treadmill to put in my apartment because it's the same as paying to go to the gym.
  • Hello, I'm new I just started last Thursday. I was introduced to it by a co worker as well. Anyway I'm glad to meet you and we can encourage and inspire each other. I want too lose 20 lbs or more, but I will start small. It's funny to know that everytime I want to take a bite of something to eat, then I have to discipline…
  • Good Luck, Don't think about it, Just Do It. I just started as well and I am becoming more disciplined on what I am putting in my mouth because I am accountable for writing it down. So, I think twice before I eat it. I wish you the best. Don't Give Up!!
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