

  • My trigger foods: Ditto on the caffeine...(and I used to be addicted, ie. coffee all morning and mountain dew all afternoon, and CHOCOLATE! :P No more....). Spicy foods. Red meat, and sometimes pork. Pretty much all fruits and veggies right now, with the exception of the occasional canned or otherwise processed fruits /…
  • Thanks Iafresita. ~ I never thought about low residue veggies, I have been focusing so much on low fibrous foods, that I forgot there may be some veggies that may work. I guess I just got baffles since it isn't a flare, and just pain. I can't get parsnips where I live, but I think I may try your suggestion for the blended…
  • Hello everyone! My name is Tamara, and I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis 6 yrs ago. It was a severe case of pancolitis that was put me in the hospital. Interestingly, I had an essentially negative colonoscopy only 6months prior to this due to bleeding hemorrhoids and a family history of colon cancer. (My Dad passed…