

  • I would up my calories. I am not a fan of the 1200 calorie diet I dont think it's enough. So I trick myself. I strive everyday to only eat 1200 calories but my limit is 1320. So I feel extra good about myself when I am under but I dont feel bad if i go over and eat the full 1320. Definitely fill up on those low cal things…
  • I always told myself that it wasnt that bad. I hid my weight well with the clothes I wore. :-\ LIE! I was over 180lbs being barely 5'3. That came crashing down on me when I went to try on wedding dresses and the biggest size they had was a size 20 and it wouldnt even zip half way!! The lie I've been telling myself since…
  • I'm also partial to the birthday suit but has anyone else had different weights depending on where you step on the scale? That drives me nuts. My fiance says stand shoulder width apart but my feet are small so do I stand as far up on the scale as possible or at the back end or stand normally. And yes I've tried it all and…