

  • The app is great! That' what I use when i'm out I can even scan barcodes if I pick up something quick from the shop, I think i'd be lost with out it. I can't really say what my hardest part is yet as I've only been using MFP a few day but the app is defiantly making it easier for me already. Hope you get into the rhythm…
  • Started using MFP on the weekend as it was hard to log all my food on Word, But on here it so simple, so log EVERYTHING even the things that shouldn't be on there :grumble: LOL. Its actually good to look at what you did eat and what you eat now, you realise you are in fact changing for the best, Learn to control the food…
  • Don't be put off to much by what the scales say, I have put in my idea weight on here because it asks us to but realisticly I'm measuring my size lose, Waist, hips, thighs. I'm only 5'2" so im fairly short but my bone structure is bulky. When I was at my fittest and healthiest I was still deemed over weight because of my…
  • Good idea, I don't tend to eat many apples as I find the one's I buy can be alittle bitter but my daughter loves them so ever changed, think i'll spend a little longer in the fruit aisles now, see if I can find the right ones for me :) Thanks xx
  • I'm not avoiding as such, I am getting my fat intake just right and my Carbs but my calories are still not enough, so wanted a suggestion to up them with out over doing my Fat intake at the same time, if you know what I mean xx
  • Hiya!!! Hope you get your goal this time :) I'm new to MFP and it's so much easier than using Word to count the cals lol. And your so right so much inspiration on these boards :) xx Good Luck
  • I love carbs aswel, totally addicted actually, but I've just swapped it all for wholemeal versions of the same thing, So I still enjoy pasta, rice ect I just eat brown/wholemeal. With my potatoes I just have a smaller one than I used to and add some extra greens, so i'm still getting what I love and i'm still full because…
  • A few under I wouldn't mind but to keep my ideal weight once I reach it will be hard if I start so low I think. Are you much over you limit? I love sweet things that's why I love to snack on carrots as they are very low in calories but very very sweet LOL. I have never tried cottage cheese :ohwell: But I suppose it worth a…
  • I'm 24 and have been doing it fo about 2 weeks now, I used to dance as a teenager so I pick it up easy not sure on others? I did around 15minuets per day on my own at home using my Kinect I was so breathless after it but now I can manage 30 mins and feel great after it. The great thing about Zumba is you can control the…
    in Zumba Comment by Zainy_Zoex January 2012
  • Ohh great, thanks both. :) xx Created by - Free Calorie Counter