

  • Woohooo! You go, lady!! This made me smile :) I am glad that you have found motivation although I hope you are doing this more for yourself.. BUT it's always nice whenever they see you again.. and their jaw drops!! ;) Keep up the good work!
  • I am 5 2(ish) and my goal weight is 140.. I may or may not change my gw once I get there, but for now, that's what I'm shooting for :) I don't want to be extremely small ( I like having a little 'meat' on me!) Feel free to add me if you'd like and good luck!!
  • THIS is what I don't understand: How girls manage to piss all over the toilet seat. I mean really, you 'hover' because the toilet seat is nasty, but people like you who pee all over the toilet seat are the ones that make it nasty!! And if you do pee, then take the time to wipe that mess up! -end rant-
  • I have had several comments made, but the one that I think really made me want to change my life is: "You have a beautiful face, but I'd never be interested in you. You're too chubby." said to me by a guy at the bar a couple of weeks ago! Weeeellll, excuse me, I may be 'too chubby' but I can lose it, but you sir, will…
  • Well, that was entertaining, lol.. I can't believe I just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading that..
  • I am a senior this year with one semester left! Feel free to add me if any of you would like! Best wishes and good luck :)
  • Hey everyone! I'm not sure who added me and who didn't so if you didn't, feel free to request me now! Since I have decided to be more serious, I have logged on every day! Let's hope I can keep it up :)
  • Told you to post Mal :) Great way to find friends and get the extra motivation! Glad I could cheer you up today :)
  • I set a goal for myself to not eat past 6, 6:30 and a lot of times, I just don't get home in time. I am a full time student working a full time job. So whenever it's 6:15ish and I know I don't have much time, I just pop one in. The sodium isn't much of a problem for me and I never salt anything else. I'm using them right…