

  • A good start is getting back in to an exercise routine. This will help increase your energy level and boost your metabolism. I am in a funk myself and the best thing I have found is staying in an exercise routine. As I am sure you know, this is much easier said than done, but put yourself first! You deserve at least 60…
  • You have to give yourself a little credit....your a single, working mom! I think the biggest thing for me so far has been not focusing on the number, but focusing on how I feel! How is your exercise? Because it's ok to eat 3000 calories as long as you are burning enough to stay within your calorie goal! That's the beauty…
  • Don't stop drinking milk just limit yourself to like 1 cup a day (it's only 80 calories!). As a woman you need the calcium, and if your like me and don't like bananas, milk is a good source of potassium! Best of luck!