

  • Today was day 2 for JM Ripped in 30. I bought 30ds and RI30, because I wasnt sure if one was more challenging than the other, or if JM ri30 was just a newer version of 30ds. I'm going to try my hardest to stick with RI30...JM is no joke. but I cant wait to see the reward in the end. Goal is to lose 60 lbs. :)
  • You look awesome! I wouldn't worry about the scale either. I've always been told that muscle weighs more than fat, so you're probably building muscle. Either way, you look fabulous!
  • Hello Everyone! I'm new here, and definitely would love to have some friends in my corner to help me overcome this obstacle of weightloss. I would love to offer the same support. It makes a huge difference when you have a support team. Please add me. :)