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I have very flat feet and over pronate. I don't know if going barefoot works for flat feet. I've had to do a lot of reading to try to find out what shoes to wear to help my feet. If you are flat footed, they say that your feet have a tendency to be over flexible and that's why they recommend shoes with stability in them.…
Wow- you are an inspiration. Kind of puts my ailments and excuses into prospective. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer. I really needed to hear this today. I don't mind doing whatever it takes to straighten my back out. I think that I got discouraged today- I would feel so much better and think I am healing- then all of a sudden can't hardly drive my car or sit at my desk. I twisted wrong the…
It is very sad to see how big some of these kids are and know the misery they are going to have, if things don't change for them. I don't have kids, but what hit home for me was last year, my husband and I were getting on a roller coaster. A young man (looked to be around 15 to 16) tried to sit behind us. He was so large,…
I have worked with women mainly and they can be so cruel. I would question the motives of the person that told me that. I have worked with a few women that (I hate to say lie) but really don't tell the whole truth- there is always something twisted. You have to take any story that they tell you and know that it is slanted…
Wow- that is inspiring. Makes my excuses seem really pitiful.
You look wonderful!
I am sort of in the same boat. I had to have surgery on a torn tendon in my foot. I have been non-weight bearing for 2 weeks now with at least 2 more to go. I have been really trying to watch my calorie intake, but am just afraid will gain more weight, which is so not needed. Sorry I don't have any suggestions- just…
Hi, I am from a small town in Southeast Georgia- not too far from the GA/FLA line.