hdpalmer98 Member


  • Thanks for the question - It's good to see what everyone is aiming for. My taller friends act shocked that I'm aiming for 125, & I keep reminding them that I'm short! 5'3" 37 years old SW: 179.5 CW: 169.5 GW: 125 I stick with 1200 calories. I attempt to workout 6 times/week. I don't always eat my exercise calories. It…
  • fatfreevegan.com - Her recipes are great, & the ones she posts on her blog have the nutritional info listed.
  • I'm so blessed to be able to see your progress every week! You're an inspiration. Happy 1 year!
  • I'm with MindyBlack. I used to have them, but I would fly off the wagon. I'd think, "I only have one day to eat whatever I want", so I'd eat way too much of really bad foods, & then I'd have trouble getting back on the next day. Now, I plan ahead. For instance - I'm going to my parent's house this weekend, & we almost…