Babs540 Member


  • I'm new to this. I'd like to join if possible. Thanks
  • Thank you!!
  • Miss you all. Glad there is a thread for connecting. Keep on being brilliant and beautiful! New friends welcome! Please tag me! Aka #SisuGal906
  • Ask your Doc about Metaformin. It's very helpful in controlling PCOS. also, i lost 12 lbs on that before my wedding. It's not a great prescription for everyone, but it's helpful for some.
  • I'm PCOS and I have Hashimoto's hypothyroidism... basically I have no thyroid. I've had problems with my thyroid since 95' at a very young age and diagnosed with PCOS in 2002. I have in the past been able to maintain my weight and lose significantly with super strict dieting and a good workout routine including strength…
  • Everything in moderation ... this is true, but there is huge benefits to filling up on fruits and veggies rather then meats and carbs. Meats can be low fat and low calorie, but red meats can contain high amounts of cholesterol & nitrates if you eat deli meats. Also, carbs like pasta, crackers and breads contain less…
  • Hi, I'm a juice-a-holic, I LOVE lemonade and can't get enough. Worse then that though.... JellyBelly jelly beans. If i see a bag in the store they are hard to resist, and if i open it, ... well i'm like a 5 year old sneaking candy until i get caught, but no one has caught me yet.... =)
  • Actually, I get a migraine from it too. I'm considered "allergic" to artificial sweeteners. My Aunt, a nurse, died in 02' of a brain tumor and swore up and down until her last breath that it was caused by her sugar free diet. So I refuse to partake in the stuff. There are some great sodas out there sweetened with Stevia…
  • Blue diamond is my favorite brand. It drinks well like milk. Hope you like it.
  • I found these fabulous drink mixes at Target. They are only 10 calories, naturally sweetened and 1 pouch can sweeten more then the recommended 16 oz. of water. Here's a link to them: Lots of flavors too. My Fav is the apple…
  • I know someone that is crash dieting and taking in too few calories, and it's sad. The truth is that it's less efficient then a gradual decrease in your calories and increase in activity. If your not sure about whether your getting proper nutrition to sustain your activity level and general health, I insist it's vital to…
  • Your trainers BMI scale is probably right and your replacing fat with muscle which weighs more. Also, ask your trainer about your body's 'set-point-weight' and how you can trick your body past this point. Our bodies get comfortable at a certain weight and will try to maintain it regardless of your training. But a steady…
  • I hear ya. Lots of us understand that having junk in the house is a hard temptation and it would certainly be helpful if certain OTHERS didn't place those delicious looking cookies in front of us. I'm in the same boat as you. But my husband will never be able to adapt to the change that i've taken on and I can't expect him…
  • It might also be that pinnacle moment where your body is spent most the energy from the foods you've consumed all day. Try a small apple late day and see if that helps carry you over. The sugars in the apple will give you enough energy and keep your mood up. It's the same when my son gets home from preschool. He's hungry…
    in Grumpy? Comment by Babs540 January 2012
  • Hi, i'm new. just joined a second ago. I've done the whole lose weight ordeal but I was 18 and nothing hindering me from doing what i had to do. Now i'm a mom of a 5 yr old and a wife to a husband that thinks poptarts are a nutritious breakfast. I'd love to add anyone that would like to befriend me.
    in New here Comment by Babs540 January 2012
  • HI.... I need some hardcore motivation. I've been hiding under sweaters for the last 3 years.So, I need some friends to push me along. And good tips and advice for getting started is also welcome.
    in Newbie! Comment by Babs540 January 2012