When I began recovering from anorexia, it sort of morphed into BED for a I would eat anywhere between 2000-8000 calories in about an hour almost every night. I believe I gained 10 pounds in a little over a week, and they weren't just water weight! Glad those days are behind me :)
I'm with you! I LOVE breakfast. I like to have a good 500-600 of my calories before 11:00 :)
I don't know about weight loss, but gluten is bad. Go read Wheat Belly!
Haha this is me! I do crosswords on my iPod while cycling! I like to think I'm cycling fast though :P
Personally, I think Polar makes the most accurate heart rate monitors. I have a Polar FT4 that I bought about a year ago and I love it, although you can't hook it up to the internet. I know you can with the newer models though.
Non-fat greek yogurt with crispy rice, half a banana, strawberries, raisins and peanut butter :)
Agreed! I would definitely log this (especially since I only thoroughly clean about once a year...not a daily activity for me!)
I don't drink dairy milk as I am vegan, although protein-wise, I would have to say it's the best option. Soy milk also offers a lot of protein, but I do try to limit my soy consumption as it can cause problems with hormones and estrogen levels and so on. I mostly drink almond milk. The sweetened stuff foams up perfectly…
I'm 5'8" and I lost about 20 pounds. I went from size 6-8 to size 0-2 pants.
You all look fantastic! Will post one when I figure out how to upload a pic :P
I am going through almost exactly the same stuff right now. I'm constantly cancelling on friends or not going to classes for fear of having to make conversation with people or having an anxiety attack. My friends all just think its because I'm *****y and antisocial but really, I'm not. I'm just terrified to be around…
That my grade 1 teacher never left the classroom and that her desk just magically turned into a bed at night...
A mouse! In a cute way though :)
A 1 kg jar of peanut butter, a bag of raisins, a bar of dark chocolate and a bag of kamut puffs. The mix of a ****-load of peanut butter and high-sugar thing like raisins was NOT a good one.
Hang out :)
Definitely not. I've been a slave to that scale for over 2 years. I watched myself lose almost 30 pounds and I watched myself gain 16 of them back. It's most likely because of my history with anorexia I'm thinking. I ****ed my metabolism up to the point where I couldn't even eat 600 calories a day without gaining.
I would just like to point out that the 16 pounds are real. I gained the weight in the beginning of December and it's still here.
I eat very low sodium generally and I weigh my food properly. I always weigh on the same scale. I'm not sure about TOM...I got it for the first time in over a year not very long ago because of an eating disorder, so I don't think it had any effect on my earlier weight gain. I'm not sure what my TDEE is... Oh I just…
I go to the gym and burn about 500 calories 6 times a week. I run a lot and I do yoga. It took me just over 2 weeks to gain the bloody weight.
I have the same type of body as you. The only time my thighs haven't touched was when I was extremely underweight with a BMI of about 15 and suffering from anorexia. Unless that sounds like fun to you, probably not attainable.
Oatmeal with oat bran, strawberries, mango, and banana mixed in - topped with unsalted peanut butter and almond milk :) Right after a nice (freezing cold) run!
Hiya, I struggle with depression as well. I always find it hard to get going just in general. Add me if you want some motivation and support :)
Make sure you get enough healthy fat for sure. Don't do the whole "low fat" diet thing, it deprives your body of essential nutrients. Fish, avocado, nuts, olive oil, coconut oil and flax oil are all very good sources of healthy fat. Good luck on your journey!
Marry haha
Been vegan for about 8 months now and loving it! Add me! :)
Incredible smile!!