prerana Member


  • Just out of curiosity, I did the math. 70 pounds in two years is just under 3 pounds a month. That is not bad at all. I don't think people do the math and think about how that isn't an unhealthy rate of losing at all.
  • Just last Friday, I had a trainer take my measurements for me as part of a reevaluation and she had me suck in my stomach as much as I could and put the tape right on my belly button. She also took measurements at my hips (with the tape about 1 inch below my belly button. She did one arm and one leg and my chest. She told…
  • I've read that eating slowly helps your body recognize when its satisfied. You're less likely to over eat because you've given your body time to know it is full.
  • I'm glad someone brought this topic up! I'm not vegan/vegetarian, but my mother is. We're Hindu, but my mother allowed us (me and my brother) to eat meat because she didn't want to limit us too much in a society that tends to be big on meat, especially when you go outside the home. In 5th/6th grade, we chose to stop eating…
  • I know what you mean. I used to be big on Coke. I absolutely had to have a Coke everyday. What I did was try to cut down slowly. I set goals for myself in a way that I could still have some, but not as often. Instead of 1/day, i went to no more than 3/week. Right now, I have limited myself to 1/week, but if i have more, I…