vpleblanc Member


  • There is a difference between disappointed and discouraged. It's normal to be disappointed if we don't reach a goal. That disappointment tends to keep our resolutions on track. However, when we become discouraged it's a sign of losing hope and can lead to us giving up on our endeavors. DON"T GIVE UP!!! There are any number…
  • I have a consistent deficit problem. I'm not accustomed to eating much during the day at all and usually nothing before lunchtime (mid morning at the earliest). I have trouble forcing down food that early. That makes it hard to fit all the calories in. I find myself getting frustrated, but reading some of these posts, I…
  • I'm fairly new and still trying to get on track, much less STAY on! I welcome friends so add me if you'd like. Good luck to all!!
  • South Louisiana here~Cajun country. The only thing we love as much as our family is our food! I don't eat the 1200 calories each day and it's frustrating. I'm accustomed to eating smaller portions because we do eat so much comfort food. Now that I'm making healthier choices daily, I need to have a little more to meet my…
  • I'm also new and trying to connect with people who will add support. Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • Hello, welcome, and Good Luck! I'm new to the whole thing, too and am trying to find my way. It's always better with friends!