

  • Since we are on the topic of cycle's and birth control. I have a question: Have any of you used Nuva Ring? any thoughts? I have never been over weight, actually I have been on the under weight side before. I have been on the pill for 1 year and I have gained 20-25 pounds! I spoke with my doctor and she suggested Nuva Ring.…
  • Thanks for the post. Actually I spoke with my doctor on Monday and I'm going to try something new. She recommended NuvaRing. I hope this works! Have you heard anything about that in regard to weight gain or loss?
  • Hello everyone! I have never struggled with my weight so this is all new to me. I got married about 10 months ago and with marriage comes those nice little pills (birth control) and with marriage and pills comes weight!! I have gained about 20 pounds!!! I HAVE to get back in shape. Please feel free to add me. I could use…