

  • You are all so amazing and supportive! The talk did happen last night, and he has promised to be better. I am all about giving him the benefit of the doubt because we are really crazy about each other. I am hoping to get him to try to get healthy because I may be 15 lbs overweight, but he is 75 lbs over and has health…
  • Don't forget that most Chinese food has MSG in it which will cause water weight gain. Eat lots of veggies if they are available and don't pass on breakfast or you will go starving and overdue. Good luck!
  • Hi Maggy, I started one week ago, and I already don't know how I got by without it. I hope it is just as successful for you. Rebecca
  • I find that excersising a little after an early dinner will help me to feel less inclined to snack and more likely to work on a large glass of water. I also agree that having something to occupy your hands while you are watching TV helps. Of course, popcorn is one of the greatest TV snacks because it has very few calories…