

  • I found someone (only looking for one right now!) but if anyone else is seeking- post and look! Thanks for the quick and enthusiastic responses!
  • I haven't done much research, but I can tell you that this week I started putting a little bit of protein powder into my breakfast oatmeal, just a little as we're low, and drinking a cup of green tea a day, and the weight is dropping quicker than it has until this point, and I feel really, really good- about myself, and my…
  • What can I say- I'm a double english major- BA and MA, so I have a tendency to read between the written words and interpret. When someone posts a long introduction, I can kinda get a vibe from them. And I like to tell people when they stand out as really cool! And yes- there are a lot of really fantastic people on this…
  • I'm happy to be friends with anyone! The more, the more likely I am to log in and keep up the good work! And hearing your inspiring stories will make me want to have my own!
  • I'm in for this! It was a goal of mine to have a decent bikini body by next summer anyway- so joining up here will just put me in touch with more people who are aiming for the same thing!
  • You sound like a really fantastic and interesting person- and aiming for the same thing I am! Weight loss, and friendly people to help you along the way! If you'd like, I'd love to be weight loss buddies with you!