mrzragz Member


  • Cardio and Power Resistance today.... ugh! I pushed myself today and only took 1-2 breaks those moving push ups and floor sprints get me. I feel like i am getting stronger though. Anyone else feeling so exhausted yet stronger? I feel like I am a walking contradiction LOL.
  • I just completed the Cardio Recovery and wow those squats got me today, my legs were burning I took a few 10 second breaks but sat right back down into them. Oh a different note I see my body changing and I have lost another 2lbs and an inch of my hips! Woot Woot! I was starting to worry I was busting my butt for nothing.…
  • Don't be disappointed with yourself. Look at it this way, even if you only did 20 minutes of your work out you are still a head of all the other people who decided to stay in bed or sit on the couch and not do any sort of work out. 20 minutes is still a great way to get to your goals and eventually you will get stronger.…
  • You are not alone with this frustration. I am in the middle of week 3 and am finding it hard as well to push through. I wish I could see more results on the scale as well, I have seen 3lbs lost since starting. I know things are working because my clothes are looser, where my jeans are more tight in the hip and butt area…
  • Started week 3 today and I am able to keep up the whole video with just a few minor breaks here and there. I am literally soaking when I am done. My husband does it with me and he pushes me to "Dig Deeper" lol. Its rough I will tell you that but the more I do it the stronger I am feeling. I am nervous about the Max…
  • Hey ladies, Just wanted to jump in here. I have started insanity already and just finished week 2 in month 1. Prior to that I did Jillian Michaels 30 shred. Got stuck and plateaued and now kicking it up with insanity. So far I have dropped 3lbs and toning up pretty good but haven't measured since the first day. Start Date:…