

  • 1. Change up your routine. Your muscles will get complacent with your routine. Every 6-8 week do new workouts to keep challenging your body. 2. Include more whole foods. Less packaged foods, more fresh produce, whole grains, lean proteins if you eat animal protein, and also include healthy plant based fats (nuts, seeds,…
  • Rest days are important. You want your muscles and body to recover from the stress of working out. However this does not mean you aren't allowed to be active and must sit on the couch all day resting. Go for a walk, a bike ride, hike, something leisurely, just nothing too strenuous. Go for a nice restorative yoga class.
  • Are you hydrated? If you aren't drinking enough water (and not water in your juice, tea or coffee that doesn't count), then you are going to have muscle cramping. Figure out how much water you need by taking your weight in lbs divide in half and the answer is how many oz of water a day you need. If you are working out on…
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