

  • I am 5'6" and the highest my weight ever got was 364 lbs after reconstructive knee/leg surgery. I now weigh 309 and my goal is to be 180 lbs.
  • I am sooo obsessed with MFP that I only eat food after I have added it to my calorie count. I stay logged on all day. Have cried because I couldn't log in and was afraid I would forget what I ate and mess up the whole day.
  • Honestly, you eat what you want. How others see what your eating or their reactions to it should mean little. If someone disapproves of what you are eating, then they can go float a boat. It is up to each individual person to regulate their own menu and really, who cares if you eat cake. If you feel guilty afterwards, then…
  • I weigh in every other day but record it only on Monday mornings. I learned early on that by staying more focused on the weekly total and not daily was more motivating for me.
  • Keep your head up. Every pound counts. I am trying to lose a total of over 100 lbs. Just focus on small goals that you can achieve and take it a step at a time. Each achievement you reach will be a success and will encourage you to keep on going. Good luck on your weight loss. :)
  • I think a lot of my problems did start with my father who constantly harassed me about my weight as a teen. I was maybe 15 lbs heavier than the others and he was very insulting about it. I lost the weight after I left home and entered the Army but when I had my children, I had medical problems and ended up on bed rest.…
  • My Hubby actually tried increasing the number of times he ate to 6-7 times, all small meals, but maintained his calorie count. I have tried it and it works to kick start the metabolism. Sometimes the small change is just what you need to get you going. Just remember, everything you do is helping you, whether you see steady…
  • I actually have found that mandarin orange, lemon, or raspberry teas work well. I make them into individual ice cubes or pops. I suck on them and it helps with my cravings.