jilldou Member


  • I am! I am a Zumba Instructor! I have been doing Zumba since 2010, became an instructor in 2011 and have been teaching ever since. I teach between 4-6 classes a week (though I taught 8 this week, phew!). Since starting my weight loss journey I've lost 95lbs, and Zumba has played a part in that. It's exercise in disguise…
  • Saskatchewan! (Originally from New Brunswick)
  • I am currently 5lbs away from losing 100lbs, with lots more to lose (currently 295lbs) but taking it one day at a time. I've got no interest in surgery, since I've been successful in doing things the natural way, it's just a matter of sticking with it! People have asked me what I've been doing to lose weight and I call it…