

  • the ladies above are right - if you can get yourself to a mall or department store (maybe go for a run?!), spanx are awesome. i know they've gone way down in cost since they first started selling, too. avoid sodium, you'll retain more water if you eat a lot of it.
  • wow, we really sound like we're in the same boat here. i also just started a new job (this is my first semester out of school), and it's thrown things way off, now i'm up three pounds from my low and just feeling discouraged. i'm going to add you as a friend. we're almost the same age, too. best of luck getting back on…
  • diet sodas do not have sugars in them. if you are tracking your sodium very closely, you should log these types of drinks separately. if not, i wouldn't worry about it. water is best, but they're all hydrating to an extent.
  • I'm not sure if you're in to the same types of foods as me, but here's what I tend to stick to for staples/combine to make tasty, easy, cheap food. The obvious ones: eggs, hummus, baby carrots, plain oatmeal, oranges, yogurt (I buy plain greek in a resealable container and add in frozen fruit, which I usually buy while on…