

  • Ideas on workout it depends what you are into? I enjoy running but because used to do it high school and feel it is the easiest thing. You can start by walking for atleast 30 min. Also look at classes zumba, kickboxing or step. I am bad at coordination so that is why i stick to running. Just try different things. The key…
  • I want to be added. I am a 29 that turns 30 and wants to loose 20 lbs. need all the motivation!!! :smile:
  • You might not see it in weight but maybe in inches. take your measurements also see if you can modified something small or reduce something. I was like this for like 2 months but lost it inches and then I changed my one cup of coffe from whole milk to 2% and sugar free. It got me back loosing weight and been loosing a lb…