veronikaf Member


  • Me! I'm 22. Feel free to add me, always looking for motivating friends :smile:
  • My favourite right now is Cream of Earl Grey from David's Tea!
    in Tea! Comment by veronikaf November 2014
  • Kraft Dinner (I guess that's what it's called where I'm from... It's Kraft Macaroni and Cheese in the States).
  • i would have to say kraft dinner and i hate myself for it!!!
  • I find that I normally am way over my sugars too, and that is often because of the fruit that I'm eating. I'd say as long as the rest of what you're eating is reasonably healthy, that you don't have to worry about it. People on other forums have said that unless you're diabetic and really watching your sugar intake, going…
    in Sugars Comment by veronikaf April 2013
  • if i was just going to eat a salad, it would have spinach, peppers, cucumber, radish, carrots, red onion, an apple, and balsamic vinaigrette on it! but i like to add in other things sometimes too. here are some other awesome combos that i like spinach + strawberries + feta cheese + slivered almonds + balsamic vinegar/olive…
  • i always drink some sort of hot beverage after, like hot water with lemon, or green tea. hope this helps!
  • i really like them! i think that they are a really simple way to get in some veggies and fruits in the morning, and they are downright tasty imo mine: 2 cups spinach 1 banana 1 cup frozen mango OR 1 cup frozen 4-berry blend 1 cup almond milk 0.5 tsp vanilla 1 tbsp ground flax i also had one from a smoothie store the other…
  • hey! some of my favourite breakfasts are: - green smoothie - 2 cups spinach, 1 banana, 1 cup frozen fruit (either mango or 4-berry blend usually) and 1 cup of almond milk. super filling and healthy. if you have extra time, i often throw in 1 tsp of vanilla for flavour and a tbsp of ground flax for some fiber as well! -…
  • hey! i know how you feel, sometimes the 8 glasses of water seems like a lot. i try and fit it in by adding lemon juice (i would add lemons but i'm too lazy to buy them just for that purpose and lemon juice works the same way imo), or there are many ways you can make your own all-natural flavoured water at home! this link…
  • my perfect smoothie: 2 cups spinach 1 banana 1 cup either frozen mango or frozen mixed berries 1 cup unsweetened plain almond milk 0.5 tsp vanilla 1 tbsp ground flax i LOVE this smoothie. i switch up the frozen fruits depending on what i have in the freezer/sales at the store but the rest remains fairly consistent
  • my favourite breakfast foods are: - one egg, fried in a teensy bit of pam on a whole wheat english muffin with 1 tbsp light shredded cheese - smoothie with 2 cups spinach, banana, 1 cup frozen fruits (normally berries or mango), a cup of almond milk, and ground flax - oatmeal with various mix-ins (slivered almonds, brown…
  • mine is ! feel free to follow, i follow back yeehaw (looking for healthy blogs :))
  • hey! mine is!
  • hey everyone! mine is :)
  • i'm looking for some buddies as well (great way to stay accountable) - i already added you all *creep creep* but wanted to say to the people that post after me to feel free to add me!
  • at school in NB!
  • I'm adding all of you! Hope that's OK!!