bennersmom Member


  • DIET COKE PORK CHOPS 4 4oz pork chops 24 oz diet soda 2 cups BBQ sauce Cook on low 6-8 hours 255 calories (depending on your BBQ sauce of choice)
  • Glad you are getting out and active with the kids, so for sure you should celebrate by entering some calories burned! Not only do your kids love you for it, so does your diet! I totally would log it! Think of something similar to what you might have been doing with the kids -- I know playing catch is in the list if you do…
  • If you have access to a microwave, I love the ease of Smart Ones or Lean Cuisine frozen meals. I only buy the ones under 300 calories (or under 250, preferred), then I pack a large apple or pear (80-100), and green tea (crystal light). I cut the apple up and munch the slices over the next hour or so. Not very creative, but…
  • ME TOO! And it's always motivating to see who completed their diary under their goal, and it makes me want to as well. Glad you are here!