

  • Mmmm - tried this for the first time today and loved it. Had it with a bit of honey, a drop of vanilla extract and tonnes of raspberries. Scrummy, and I was still feeling pretty full 3 hours later. New fave brekkie I think!
  • I can't see your diary so not sure whether this is relevant but WHAT you're eating is just as important as how much you're eating. If you're sticking to a calorie goal but it's high in salt/fat then you'll find it harder to shift. I'm not a diet expert (by any means!) but I know that if I have 500 calories of pizza then it…
  • I so want to do a triathlon but, no matter how hard I try, I just can't run! The biking would be fine and the swimming I'd be fine with (did a 5k open water swim last year) but I can't seem to get past about 1k on the running. My boyfriend and I have made a pact that I'll do a 5k run and he'll do a 1k swim before the year…
  • @jayne_mel - Good luck. My SIL is very slender and she says that people don't realise that it is sometimes harder to put on weight than it is to lose it and, worst of all, no-one has any sympathy. Hope you make your goal weight soon :-)
  • Hi I take what I like to call 'active rest days'. These are days when I'm not necessarily doing a workout or going to the gym but I still do something that gets me moving. Sometimes it can be going for a nice long but gentle walk, other days I might do some hardcore cleaning (and I mean hardcore, where I sweat buckets and…
  • I'm 5'10''. My start weight was 168, I'm currently 157 and want to get to 147 (10 1/2 stone) and then maintain. I think it is really hard to judge based on weight at our height - I have a tiny waist but bit bum and thighs so I can look really slim or quite chunky depending on what clothes I wear. I know someone else who is…
  • I'm so sorry. Samantha is right - you should treat it how you do when you are physically ill. Try soup if you can't cope with proper food and just take it slowly. It WILL get better. I know people telling you this right now doesn't help (it didn't with me) but it will. When I had a messy break-up I found that exercise…
  • My fiance is in the army and so I find it hard to switch between having him here 100% of the time some weeks and then not seeing him at all other weeks in terms of planning my meals (and him not being here generally as well!). A few tips I would have are: Don't worry about a small freezer, just get sensible with space and…
  • I'd love to do this, sadly Londoners are all so desperate to walk dogs (every few people have them due to the lack of gardens) that Battersea Dogs Home have a waiting list to join their dog walking programme!! If anyone knows any other dog charities in London that need help do let me know as I would jump at the chance.
  • Not doing it myself but Phatoslim is and has an awesome blog where she writes about what she thought about the day's workout and the food she has eaten Check it out
  • Underwater rugby sounds AMAZING. Hope it comes over to the UK soon. I used to play 'Octopush' which is basically underwater hockey (and when I say underwater I mean with snorkels and masks etc). Can get quite rough (although not as physical as rugby I would imagine). If you haven't got rugby near you but fancy something…
  • Spinach in ice-cream. Just got to try this. I don't have an ice-cream maker. Do you think it'll work if I just bung it in the freezer and mash it up every hour or so to stop crystals forming? Thanks for the share.
  • Yummy - thanks for sharing
  • I am a fellow bodyrocker too. Been on it for about 3 months but had to take a little break as did my back in (not doing bodyrock I should add!). Bit of advice - search for the 'fit test' they did in Jan / Feb (let me know if you can't find it and I'll send you the details). It's basically 8 minutes of very basic exercises…
  • This interval timer is really easy to use and free - it even counts down each rep if you set it to 'female voice' As it's online I find it easier to jot the exercises down on a notepad so you don't have to keep flicking between windows on your computer. LOVE BODYROCKING
  • As with stomach, any fat on the legs needs to be burned away and, like anywhere else you can't spot reduced. To tone up without bulking up though try this workout from bodyrock The 'Leg, *kitten* & Inner & Outer Thigh Workout' is the…
  • Don't have anything remotely constructive to add but just wanted to say that you are smokin hot now - it is literally like looking at a different person. Massive massive massive congratulations. Have you met anyone now that you hadn't seen for a year or so - it would be incredible to see their faces!
  • When you're so in the zone that you don't realise you've had the same song was on repeat on your ipod for your whole workout (happened twice now)
  • Sorry - the link would have been useful!
  • Hi Bodyrock is amazing - love it. I would suggest you start with the fit test (search for it on their site). I then do this every 2 weeks to track my progress (am definitely getting fitter). The thread has a link to an online interval timer (really useful if you don't have an actual one) and a list of all the…
  • This is very timely because I've had a really similar injury just last week. The poster who said that even turning in bed is painful is so right - I was literally at the point where I couldn't even bend down far enough to get my shower gel from the side of my tub when showering- ouch. I'm very fortunate in that I have a…
  • I would say that a lot of this depends on whether you have changed your diet and mentality to food or whether you're just restricting what you're eating. If you've changed your diet to clean food then, chances are, at some point you will be in the position to stop logging every day because you've changed the way you view…
  • This recipe looks awesome (and I'm very pleased to see that no-one is making cookies out of actual horses as I thought when I clicked on the link :laugh: )
  • My friend hides hers behind this beautiful tri-fold chinese silk screen. The screen itself is absolutely gorgeous and you'd never guess there was a treadmill behind it. My advice would be to scour antique markets for something of this vein that goes with your house.
  • When you sit down in the shower because you don't have the energy to stand up to wash yourself - this happens to me ALOT!
  • Just looked on your profile -amazing. It says on your profile you're 49 - you look years younger than that. Incredible work - well done.
  • Love BodyRock too. Bumping this for the list of non-equipment workouts. Thanks
  • Sorry - forgot to post time. I took 32 minutes to do this bad boy (pretty pathetic but I will improve). Wore my HRM and burnt 342 calories so I'm happy!