Dear All Please don't feel any obligation but if you have a moment please consider signing the below e-petition for Government funding for research into FOP. FOP turns otherwise healthy people into human statues - a healthy mind locked inside a frozen body. One of the rarest genetic conditions, affecting roughly one in two…
Hi Has anyone tried this? It looks pretty good and the few reviews it has are positive. Just wanted to get some MFP feedback on it. Thanks Sarah
Hi Guys Wondering if anyone has any suggestions - I'm constantly seeing really yummy looking recipes for healthy versions of my favourite things (read cookies and muffins!) on here but so many seem to use Peanut Butter. Now, whilst I haven't any sort of allergy, I just hate the stuff - not just butter, all nuts. Does…
Hi I'm thinking of trying out Bootcamp Pilates (using the machines rather than just matwork) - there is a studio really near me and I've been advised by my work physio that yoga and/or pilates may help the bad back I've recently been suffering from. Just wondering if anyone had tried this…
Just done a little challenge for myself which is adapted from a workout on bodyrock - going to do this every week and record my times so I can see my progress. Feel free to join in and adapt as you need to. Hopefully my descriptions make sense, feel free to ask for clarification. Basically 20 reps of each. Repeat 3 times.…
Article about HIIT on bbc news today - also on BBC2 tonight for UK based people