nutsy33 Member


  • I probably will do another Xtreme challenge. I did p90x in the past and it was 90 days so I want to do that with Xtreme also. On days when there are 2 recovery workouts, I swap out the 1st recovery workout with an xtreme. I love all the support and motivation on here and fb. I also feel more accountable when I log in my…
  • On this 2nd round, I bought 10lb weights because I wasn't feeling fatigued. I also use 8lbs as light and 5lbs on some shoulder exercises. I can feel it in my biceps this morning. Keep up the great work!:happy:
    in weights... Comment by nutsy33 March 2012
  • HI Kate, My name is Tracy. The closest I come to drinking coffee is a Starbucks frapp or Glroia Jeans chiller, so I try to stay far away from that! :wink: Great goal to have for the marathon relay! There is a 5k in my town in August. I just don't like to run in extreme heat. I probably just need to work through it and just…
  • Great job! These workouts are much more fun with a supportive group. I don't drink coffee, sorry. Don't have any input on that. I do wish you lived closer because I would love to find someone to run with. Never did a 5k before, but it is a goal of mine. Anyway, that is a totally off the topic. Keep up the good work! And…