What is the idea of protein shakes...why are they so popular, what good do they do...Are they beneficial...what is the point of them...i keep seeing them mentioned but thought they were....for body builders???:tongue:
count me in xxxxxx:smile:
also try low fat choc cereal bars....things with calories worked out are good, thats what i am trying other wise you just have to guess and have no idea if you are guessing right or not....low fat yogurt
Oh my god, you ve just summed me up 100 percent...awful isnt it...i too am struggling with this at the moment,....and probably summed up an awful lot of mums.....would welcome any advice thing which helps a bit is fruit teas...they can sometimes occupy me and give me a bit of a sweet fix....over here in spain…
Hiya, in that range too...more than welcome to make me a friend and view my diary....although im not very good and wouldnt recommend following a lot of my am striving to be better everyday...i promise ha ha.. :smile:
Hi im originaly from Norfolk, England... but now living in Spain!!