Quantity of food will always trump quality when it comes to weight loss vs weight gain. Just start tracking your food as accurately as possible to create a caloric deficit (taking in less energy than your body is spending) and you will see results. A lot of people get caught up in low carb or low fat diets, in my opinion…
What is it meant for then? Painting a picture?
Weigh your food raw and in grams to be more accurate. Makes a pretty big difference.
I set my carb/fat percentages equal and then focus on calories and protein. Works great and is much more mentally sustainable because I do not have to eliminate any food groups. No food is bad, too much of anything is.
Buy your kid some real food instead of this "clean" nonsense.
Assuming you are a beginner (based on your questions) I recommend that you follow a beginner strength program. StrongLifts 5x5 is 3 days a week and will take you tons further than what you have described. Save the cardio for after your workout (or another day even) because you will need the rest in between sets. All of…
Focus on calories and macro nutrients and don't sweat the details.
Eat a large serving of any green vegetable with every meal and you will have tons of potassium.
It is water weight. Anybody familiar with keto or induction phase of Atkins can verify this.
People get really huffed up about their carbs when you mention starting a keto diet. Here are some things to think about: 1) Keto is about NET CARBS. This is carbs-fiber. This means you still eat tons of carbs from high fiber sources, such as vegetables. These things are also very healthy and low in calories. 2) You do not…