

  • Originally started at 5'3" 200lbs. I don't own a scale which for me is a good thing because I've mostly made my goal just to be healthy. Last I checked (sometime before Easter) I'd lost 17lbs in about a month. I have no checked my weight since but notice my clothes fit differently. I do C2 5K and yoga as well as ride my…
  • I'm looking to lose 60 lbs also maybe even 70. I love to encourage as well as be encouraged. I will send a request.
  • You'll love this site. When I started close to a month ago my weight loss goal was 60lbs. My scale is broken but I've there is evidence of NSV. Logging everything can get addicting and I love it! Good luck!
  • I usually log after I eat. If I log at the end of the day all the food I've eaten throughout the day I'm bound to forget something. My scale is broken so I haven't weighed since starting. Weighing can be addictive I'd shoot for once a week, same day same time. Zumba is like a dance thing? Cardio? Find something as similar…
  • Not a single mom but a mom of 3. Before my schedule changed from 9-6 I worked out early in the morning. Now my schedule is 6-230. I travel by bus so by the time I get home it's around 330 or 4. It's hard to balance life to include exercise but take baby steps. Morning sounds like it will work best for you and it sure does…
  • I think try for once a week. Jumping on the scale can be so addicting. People tend to forget your weight will fluctuate daily. So once a week around the same time if possible.