kimlindsey Member


  • I lost over 100 lbs total, and around 60 since I joined MFP, but I'm pretty sure I'm NOT the record-holder!
  • I'm late to the thread, but I think "work hard, eat big" is a great solution to your net calorie issue. From personal experience, when I don't meet my net cal goal for extended periods of time, it affects my performance (and that eventually affects my motivation). My current method is to let the net calorie values fall…
  • I think weighing the oil before and after frying is a better method because cooking forces water from the food. Fried food gains mass from absorbed oil, while it's losing mass from water loss as steam. So... the difference in the weight of the food would consistently underestimate the amount of oil absorbed.
  • I had homemade beef stew that practically made itself in the crock pot over the weekend. :D Tomorrow, I'll have chef's salad left over from last night (dressing on the bottom of the tupperware to avoid sogginess), and more stew for Thursday.