luckyno1three Member


  • I miss having my clothes fit me and I'm too cheap right now to purchase a whole new wardrobe, so I have to tuck everything in and wear my belts at the very last notch.
  • I agree with what was posted here. I have the "Insanity" workouts which are more cardio-oriented and do not include weights. I recommend Insanity. Insanity is a 60 day program centered around cardio, plyometrics, and a little bit of yoga. The first 30 days are moderate in difficulty; workouts range from about 35 to 45…
  • It may not be the best thing for your physical health (weight), but having one day to just treat yourself can do wonders for your mental health. Instead of being upset over going over your calorie limit, be happy that you can splurge once in a while and still make progress towards your goal! Working towards a weight goal…