Kewpies Member


  • Interesting, I'll look into finding a nutritionist, though right this moment I don't think I could afford it :s While I was a student and on student health insurance I did seek out a nutritionist about these issues, she just dismissed me and said I shouldn't be vegan. :'(
  • Before grad school I was vegan, and then during school I completely let go of my nutrition / self care :( I feel like I am learning again from square one! Some of my favorite resources right now are the books by Joel Fuhrman (Eat to Live series). My favorite for recipies is probably Eat for Health. Online I love…
  • You know I think you hit the real issue at hand. I do eat a lot of the foods you mention. I think what needs to happen though, is that I need dramatically adjust the ratio of those greens and beans with other things I like to eat (starchy vegetables and fruits :s )
  • Thanks!
  • Thank you! :) And that's amazing! :o I'm struggling to reach 50/60 grams a day! :s
  • Thanks for the heads up!
  • Thanks for the tips! I'm new to the world of protein powders + supplements so I appreciate the recommendation!
  • Thanks!
  • This was extremely helpful! I feel like I have a ton of leads now :) I do already eat dark greens at every meal but maybe I need to eat more? And I could definitely stand to eat more quinoa and legumes, so I'm excited to look up some new recipes :) :)
  • Thanks!
  • Thanks! I'll check it out :) I had just started using PB2 (a peanut powder) and was getting curious about using protein powders. Will definitely be looking into it!
  • Feel free to add me!