

  • I am sorry to hear of your results, I know how frustrating. You helped me out with your post! I didn't have a gain this week, but i had no loss. Felt pretty sorry for myself. Then I read your post and the replies....this site is fantastic! You all have helped me to realize, it's a journey not a race. I look forward to your…
  • Me too 5'1" on a good day....Seems I have been fighting my weight all my life. Never been a skinny minny. I agee with you though, the charts do give us "little girls" much wiggle room (so to speak) I am very comfortable at 140-150, and I actually hope to be there again. Menopause did a number on me, and I am trying to turn…
  • CONGRATS on the 20 down Jobster! I too am a newbie...I am excited, because today I was within all my allowances! Well, a bit over on protein...So I am thinking it's about celebrating the little victories, they will add up...enjoy the moments of sucess, if its a day you hit goal, if its a day you said no to something…