

  • Gah, failing miserably on Level 3, I haven't done it since Thursday! There are so many things I could use as excuses, but to be honest, I'm just finding it hard to make myself do it. It's so stupid how I could get through level 1 and 2 so easily, but I'm so stuck on Level 3 :(
  • I'm still here too, Day 3 Level 3! I just don't have a lot of time to post lately. I just want to say I hate level 3. With a passion :grumble: Level 2 appeals to me a lot more i think. I've also just bought Banish fat, Boost Metabolism, and No More Trouble Zones so I think when finished i will alternate those with Level 2,…
  • Our ceremony song was the ukelele version of "Somewhere, over the rainbow" First dance song was Adele- "One and Only" We got married in August :P
  • Last day of level 2 tomorrow, then onto Level 3! I've been so scared of level 3 that i haven't even looked at it yet, lol. Will have a peek tonight so I know what to look forward to!
  • I took an extra rest day yesterday, not because I needed it, but I had a sick kid at home for the day. It's ridiculous how bad I feel about it today though. Back into it today.
  • I had mine through the middle of level 1 and actually found that working out helped with the cramps. Don't feel guilty if you can't do a workout though :)
  • Day 4 done :) Today was a much better day, mostly because my knee wasn't hurting! I made myself sit and ice my knee and my ankle for 15mins yesterday after my workout and it has made such a huge difference. No more rushing around straight after I finish- if I'm sore, must remember R.I.C.E :)
  • Well I did Day 2 level 2 yesterday, man, it is hard work! Taking a rest day today, and will just go for a walk. Well done woodmetal!!! Just goes to show you can't trust the scales :D I've decided not to take measurements until the end of the program, but have lost 2 pounds so far (the change in the scales has only happened…
  • Day 1 of Level 2 done, man that was full on! Heart rate is up through the whole thing, totally different than Level 1! Managed to get through with only one stop at the end of the last abs circuit, but had to do all of the modified moves- and even they were full-on. My main problem was coordination, some of them made me…
  • Level 1 complete! Level 2 and weigh-in for me tomorrow as well :)
  • Well day 8 is done :) My right knee is really sore today though, which makes me think I'm slacking on correct form, particularly with the side lunges. I'm going to have to be very careful, as I've already had surgery on one of my knees (left), and don't want to have to go through that again!
  • Totally hate Jillian, lol. Every day I tell her to "just shut up!" at least once during the video :p Day 8 today, I'm very tired so struggling to find motivation though. Will have a coffee and then get stuck into it!
  • I was planning to do it everyday for the 30 days at first, but my body just can't take that. I'm doing 6 days, then having a rest day.
    in Level 1 Comment by belester January 2012
  • Day 7 done! I ended up taking a rest day yesterday, and just went for a long walk instead. I managed to get through the whole thing without having to take a break, so my endurance is definitely improving :) I had a look through Level 2- eeek is all I can say! I'm finding it hard to believe I can manage it!
    in Level 1 Comment by belester January 2012
  • Going to be doing day 7 tonight! I would've liked to do it this morning but have been out walking with the kids instead :) I am feeling amazing already, can't wait to see what I feel like at the end of the the 30 days!
  • You'll be building muscle xmissjasmine, so don't panic about the numbers on the scale too much :) Day 6 today, I have the hubby and kids home today, so will have to send them elsewhere for a bit. Last night was really good, I was feeling just awful, but did Day 5 anyway, and felt so much better afterwards!
    in Level 1 Comment by belester January 2012
  • I just want to tell everyone that the first few days are absolutely horrible, there's no avoiding that! But by the time you get to day 4 and 5, you will feel so much better. Push through the pain (without injuring yourself of course) and it's all worth it! I'm doing day 5 tonight!
    in Level 1 Comment by belester January 2012
  • Stats from Day 1 were as follows (I'm at day 5 now) Height: 5' 6" Starting weight: 220lbs Chest: 42 Waist: 39 Hips: 45 Upper Arm: 15 Upper Thigh: 31 (I have HUGE thighs :()
  • I'm Rebecca (Becs), and I'm from New Zealand! I'm almost 28 (2 weeks to go eek!) and I am the mother of two little girls. I married my amazing husband in August, and unfortunately the hard earned weight loss in preparation for my wedding has all come flying back on in the months since :( What is it about being happy and…
  • Yay, a NZ Group! I'm Becs, mum of 2, 27 years old and living in Nelson. I've just discovered MFP, what a brilliant site! I've also just started the 30 day Shred (L1D3, and totally kicking my *kitten*), so hoping with the accountability I'm getting with the food and exercise trackers, I will make some progress soon! I…
  • I'm not getting married, but have very recently gotten married! I managed to lose quite a bit of weight before my wedding, not as much as i wanted though which was disappointing. Unfortunately I have put it all back on since the wedding :( Now that i don't have the incentive of the wedding to make me try hard, I'm using…
  • I'm keen to hear from people who have completed it too. The worst part of this is the pain in my quads, I'm walking like an old woman at the moment! I'm thinking of adding something else at night, like Zumba, to boost the exercise for the day.
  • I started it yesterday, and man am I sore today! Fought through it though and did Day 2 this morning, and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I'm so sore now though, tomorrow will be interesting!
  • I've just started this too. I completed D2L1 this morning, soooo sore though! Tomorrow morning is definitely going to be a struggle!!
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