

  • Meg- My declared major is computer science at the moment but I might switch to something that supports my new lifestyle. I originally picked CS because I grew up on computers and that addiction led to my weight gain. I might now go towards something in nutrition or fitness or something along those lines. Shannon- November…
  • I've answered similar questions to friends and family and people trying to start out before. When I started I solely worked out in a gym. It was like my 2nd home, I knew the front desk lady, the staff everyone. I started off slow with my running on a treadmill. I would do 0.1 miles running and 0.1 miles walking and…
  • Well at the moment i'm still a college student so I get up super early like 5am and get a bike in with breakfast or a run after then school and a swim/bike/run after classes.. depending on what day it is. On the weekend i'll do a brick workout (run right after the bike) and then sunday is a rest day normally or just a…
  • ~Allie7383- PR in my Disney Half Marathon, be under 145, log 5 days a week and drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. ~Skreal89 - break the 210 mark for the first time in 3 years; run 4 miles without a walking break; burn 6000 calories a week working out; eat all of my daily calories instead of eating low and being…
  • Back when I was using the gym it was 6 months with 1 month free so 7 months for like $259
  • Major props to you my friend! I took a similar path of eating healthy, exercise, and eliminating bad habits in my life. Good for you. :drinker: Here's to your new life!
  • Probably because you have 1, i'm talking a huge amount. 4 liters or so in a night for long periods of time. There are people out there that drink that and if you go cold turkey I guarantee headaches..
  • I just ate a peanut butter sandwhich at like 1000 calories...... I feel fat
  • You guys can have your diet soda or all soda in particular. Just don't get addicted to it, don't get hooked. If you drink enough of that stuff you'll start getting headaches. Worst time of my life was soda withdrawal over a week period when I gave it up. It is a serious thing just like if someone is addicted to heroin. Not…
  • TBH you'd be better off drinking 1 normal coke and sacrificing the calories than you would be from a diet-coke. The same reason you take the real sugar over the fake sweet-n-low. You don't know whats really in it. It's not that great for you. I found myself still getting a soda gut from diet so I gave it up all together…
  • No I wish, I found this site after getting my smartphone and started a blog. That's why my meter in 1 day drops from 375 to 245 lol. I have another 20 lb I want to lose and these last ones are taking longer so this site keeps me on track.
  • I'm struggling to eat enough food period. With my workouts anywhere from 60 minutes to 2 hours (that will go up as summer approaches and more training) I have a ton of healthy food in the house. It's what I eat. It's how i've lost 130 pounds so far but I try and I try and I just can't eat the calories it says I should. By…
  • This is my 2 cents take it or leave it. My sister in law's dad had the surgery and is now gaining the weight back again. I think it's great you are trying to get control of your life back. However, don't lose the weight too quickly. I lost 130 pounds over a year or so and I don't have any extra skin just hanging around. If…
  • cardio 7x a week. Atleast 60 minutes sometimes over 3 hours running/cycling weights 3 times a week swimming 3 times a week (i guess this could be up with cardio) Biggest peak day for me upcoming is going to be in the summer, about 8 hours of a brick workout
  • First off if you don't get enough calories in a day your body goes into starvation mode. Basically it stores all the fat it can and you won't lose anything because your body thinks you aren't getting food so it's trying to sustain itself (keep your heart pumping and all that) You are full all day from 900 calories? Eat…
  • I did because of boredom and depression. Sitting in my room all day (like 16 hours playing video games and eating pizza and drinking soda doesn't turn into a good life. It got to a point where I was obese because I enjoyed eating soooo much. We see it funny from Austin Powers but it really is the truth when Fat *kitten*…
  • that's the biggest thing I try to emphasize just a healthy lifestyle and hard work and anyone can do it.
  • I made a re-post of the experience on my own blog It was epic to say the least ^_^
  • Thanks, it's funny how I used to dread it and most of the time training I try to zone out with music or what not. I recently broke my ipod (yea go me) so my runs have been filled with the sounds of feet pounding pavement and it actually is more enjoyable. It reminds me of race days (can't race with headphones in some).…
  • It really depends on how much you have to lose overall to start. I lost 10lb in my first week. I used to be huge though 375lb. I was at the gym close to 3 hours a day though because I had school and workouts that was it. You're doing great keep up the good work. I am 245 now and losing about a lb a week. It's unrealistic…