Hey everyone! I was engaged this past December, but I think we are having a semi-long engagement and getting married in Spring 2015! We need to save up after just graduating from college :P But I've started a lot of research!!! And trying to figure out wedding party details. YIKES. I love planning though :)
My ceremony will be held at my church I grew up in, and the reception is still up in the air...There has been some discussion between keeping it in my hometown or his, only a half hour away but still a decision to make! We are currently looking at a local park with indoor and outdoor possibilities!
My name is Catherine and I will be 22 in a couple of weeks! I just got engaged on December 21st and we have not chosen a date yet, though we are considering May 2015. Throughout high school, I was always over weight, and between my senior year and my freshman year of college, I lost about 50 pounds. At my lowest point I…