Msnatalieann Member


  • Phentermine broke my addiction to food WHICH IS A BIG FRIGGIN DEAL. After years of struggling and using food to fill all the gaps in my life, i finally found a doctor who could agree I needed something. She put me on the lowest dose, 15mg. I had already changed my habits a little bit and lost 10lbs before starting it. I…
  • My dad was a truck driver so I can relate to those potty issues! I have heard that after a while of drinking lots if water that your body gets used to it and you won't have to go every ten minutes like you do in the beginning. Hope that's true! Sometimes that rest area or exit with amenities is just a hair too far away!
  • So what's everyone's goal for this week? Mine is to work out 4 times this week.
  • YOU CAN FIX THIS! There's thousands of people of all shapes, sizes, ages and whatnot that have done this all over MFP. Food is a hard one for me too! Addiction runs in my family.... pill poppers, potheads, alcholics... for me, its food. We have to learn that food (unhealthy food) doesn't actually do anything to fix our…
  • I wish i had realized how important my health was when i saw it creeping up. i can relate to so much of your reply! stress is a WAIST killer! its the only reason the doctors could come up with on how i gained so much weight so fast. i am easily depressed and have been fighting it for years. I attending some counseling and…
  • i really appreciate you putting it all out there! its hard to do but it helps us all not feel alone. everyone is going thru something, and we all need support. welcome to the group!!
  • Oh i forgot! If you are too hungry, you most likely need to increase your PROTEIN! Protein is great for killing cravings......... If you do want to do SBD, i would really suggest reading the book because it gives you so much "background" on food that really helps you make better choices. It really explains why things…
  • Not sure if someone covered this already but, in the SBD Book the good doc says if you want dessert, order it, take three bites and then stop. Take a break. Once you have taken that break you will realize that you have satisfied your craving without devouring the entire piece of cake for example. SBD DOES allow for giving…
  • Thank you all for your replies.
  • What I have tried so far is light exercise, and huge forodchanges, dropping soda, watching my calories and fat. And yes, I am an all our nothing gal. Too many changes to fast? I feel like if I don't go all in I will not get anywhere.
  • I've just made my profile public. Today was bad. I feel like I gained back everything I lost today. All because of emotions. I had my sister in laws bday today and I can't stand her and I know I let her get to me. I can't stand my husband family. Mine is 1200 miles away. I have no friends and I'm a stay at home mom. I'm…
  • Oh I needed this so bad. I'm 28, 244lbs (down from 251 pounds, which is the highest I've ever weighed my entire life) and this been the hardest journey I have ever been on. for the last 10 years I have consistently gain weight uncontrollably. I more than doubled my weight since I met my husband and have dealt with…
  • You guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am overwhelmed by all the requests!!! Cant thank you all enough!!!! WE GOT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Wow, We almost have the same name... Natalie HERE!!! Mom to one GIANT handful! I am also looking for friends for support!!!! :tongue:
  • Im no expert... I've been trying to lose weight UNSUCCESSFULLY for 8 years............. BUT in my opinion, the scale keeps you in check. I look at it like this: I know how good or bad i did the day before based on what the scale says. Of course there are always factors to consider... that time of the month, whether you…