

  • Breakfast is a very important start to your day. It provides the energy to get you started are feel good. This is why you hear about the breakfast start for children at school, it provides the energy and brain power they need to keep up with the day. That's my opinion and I'll stick with it since I'm a diabetic.
  • Walking is the best remedy as far as my doctor is concerned. Keep walking then add a few sit-ups to it. I can't do a proper sit up so I sit on the edge of the couch and I bend over as far as I can to reach my toes. I can now do 60 sit-ups that way and I have am now down a pant size and lost 7 lbs., so it's the inches that…
  • Congratulations on your new life style and the amount of weight you have lost so far. I just started on this new life style and we all call it "Eating Right and Exercising", I've lost 6 lbs. so far, it's hard work but it's worth it. I wish you all the best in discovering your new life style and you will start to feel…