

  • Ladies, add me, I'm on a plateau..definitely need to lose a few befor the holidays! add me! :smile:
  • I'm Alma, a SAHM of a 14 and 7 yr old, both in school all day. I started working out 2x a day but sometimes need a bit of motivation.I do a cardio kickboxing in the evening with my oldest daughter, i would give it up but she is also struggling with her weight so i go with her to show her i'm with her 100%. Although my body…
  • I always make chicken! Bump Fajitas chicken breast red and green bell peppers onion salt for taste or Adobo Goya you can add extra peppers, jalapenos for extra spice I cut the chicken breast in strips and cook in olive oil, once its half way cooked i add the veggies. Serve it on a low calorie wrap. YOu can add sour cream,…