

  • Hi, my name is Emily! I've been engaged since February and we're getting married on May 24, 2014. I've been trying to lose the same 30 pounds pretty much for my entire life, and I just haven't ever been able to get it done for good. I'll lose a bit here or there, but it always comes back. My fiance is very into fitness…
  • Add me! I just joined a little over a week ago and I don't have many friends yet! I love getting (and giving!) extra motivation!
  • Hello! Would love to be your walking buddy! I am 26 and have about 30-40 pounds to lose. Like you, I've been walking 3-4 miles per day and I am also taking one SPX pilates class per week (because can't afford any more than that!). I love walking because it's relaxing to me - like, it's something active that I can…
  • Hi everyone! I too am 5'8" and I weigh 199 - I really want to get down to about 160. I've tried many times before, but I am SO determined this time! I have to stop making excuses! I just started doing boot camp workouts 4x per week and it feels great! It's so comforting to see so many other people in similar situations!…