

  • Hi There, I'd like to be your mfp buddy. Im 53 also, and I have a little bit about myself on my profile page if your interested. I think we can help each other reach our goals, and that's what it is all about. Have a great weekend! Carmela
  • First - You are doing incredible Second - Believe it or not - she's jealous - yes, every time she sees you and notices you have lost more weight, she's threatened. It's just the way some people are, she may be 105 weight wise, but she a long way to go to resolve some rather personal issues. You handled the situation…
  • I think planning your day is an excellent way to help stay on track. Once I get to the grocery store I'll have more luck doing this. Thanks for sharing, I'm going to try this soon. Carmela1959
  • Please add me, I don't have any friends yet, just introduced myself on the message board. I started on Tuesday of this week and will let you know how my first weigh in goes. I have to at least get a week under my belt to feel motivated. Carmela1959
  • Hi, Harrisburg Here, just started my Fitness Pal. I can't wait until my first weigh - in. Getting antsy just started program on Tuesday, so I haven't weighed in yet. I don't like the Big O under pounds lost. I'm working on a weigh in next Tuesday, which will be my first full week with Fitness Pal. I'm getting used to…