

  • I stash Chocolate chex in my bottom for my rare chocolate cravings. The soda cravings are so much harder-- I went down from a 6 pack or more a day to one can of caffeine free in the a.m. and I miss the bubbles. Plus, I haven't lost a pound since giving it up 2 months ago, so I am not sure what I am sacrificing for, but I…
  • Feel free to add me. I am in the legal field as well, and understand the stress and hours, as well as the difficulty in keeping patient with the numbers game:)
  • Me too! I have was a devote follower for months, exercising twice a day 5 days a week then fell off the wagon and am suffering... Today is the day I start fresh and actually do this! I need to eat healthier, move more and get that energy back. I wish you luck and speed on your journey as well.