Gharri Member


  • Amazingly INSPIRED by you and your journey! What a true testament to what one can do when you change your thinking. Change your thinking, change your life! And you truly have, my friend! Congratulations! I wish you much success in your additional weight loss goal and surgeries. Best to you.
  • Lulla - I'm like you. I lost 15 pounds two years ago and today it's all back on. At the age of 45 it takes serious effort to lose just one pound. I know I can do it and so can you! It's a matter of changing your life style and sticking with eating right and exercising regularlly. We've all heard it, now we just need to…
  • Balancing work, family and exercise can be done but you have to be committed. Can you find 3 or 4 times a day that you can work out for 10 - 15 minutes each? I do squatts and lunges while I am drying my hair in the morning. I also put one pound weights on my wrists so that when I am drying my hair I have extra weight. Then…
  • That's a tough one...probably mashed potatoes, bacon potato skins or french fries loaded with ketchup. Yummm!!