AbsolutelyAnnie Member


  • Hurray you!!!! You look fabulous. Well done, sweetie.
  • Also check for Confirmations. After you select an item so you can choose your serving size, look under the bold red heading to see "(member submitted, XXX confirmations)". The more confirmations an item has the more likely it is correct. Also, many generic items are also submitted by members and but are not asterisked.
  • Hurray you!!! Having recently relocated to Onederland myself, I welcome you. This is a pretty exciting place.
  • Delicious!!! I bought this double bladed thingy that peels on one side and shreds on the other. I got it on Amazon for under $9. http://www.amazon.com/x2605-Ultra-Julienne-Peeler-Vegetable/dp/B00L3I3226/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1410442668&sr=8-3&keywords=vegetable+shredder Last night I shredded one zucchini (about 200g) and…
  • WOE WOW!!! Congratulations, sir. Nearly 200lbs in one year is an amazing accomplishment. Well done!
  • And mine. Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. If a reply is necessary, simply say, "Whatever." Good luck sweetheart. Get your degree as quickly as possible. Arrange for out of town internships or stay with classmates over any remaining breaks. And move away to healthy, positive people. I promise they are out there and you deserve much…
  • I also think it is normal. You are in the process of transforming your lifestyle and it is natural that elements of that transformation (food, meal planning, calories, exercise, water) would tend to dominate your thinking. Relax. When you feel yourself starting to panic or obsess, take three deep, slow breathes and tell…
  • ^ This. Forgive yourself. Just before moving on, take a couple of minutes to notice what was going on before you fell under the spell of the cereal bars. :-) Hungry, lonely, tired, bored, afraid, stress, angry, sad? It is good to be able to notice if you have any triggers that cause you to feel less in control of your…
  • I'll have you know that Mr. Snuzzle Fuzzybutt Cuddlepants will be my go-to for a nickname. :-)
  • We have named the dog. THANK YOU to everyone who offered name suggestions for our new puppy. Ranging from Charlie, to Bentley, to Lunch, to Mr. Snuzzle Fuzzybutt Cuddlepants, I received over 200 different names from dozens and dozens of friends online. We have decided to name the puppy Pilot, which is the name of the dog…
  • Congratulations!! This IS a huge deal, and I am crazy happy for you. Well done. Keep up the good work.
  • I am thrilled to get many great ideas! Thank you!
  • This is turning into a really great list! THANKS!!
  • Thank you all so much for your wonderful suggestions!
  • Agreed that he definitely needs something very distinct. My kids pick him up on Monday and I promise to update with the final decision.
  • Haha! You are a horrible man, but you made me laugh.
  • He is a cocker spaniel poodle mix, also known as a cockapoo. He is made of precious.
  • Smith Mountain Lake State Park has cabins and is not far off the Blue Ridge Parkway. Great kayaking on this lake, especially up the Blackwater River toward Roanoke. Check out the tiny town of Floyd. Depending on when you come through, you may hit their amazing music festival. Regardless, the town also has a little general…
  • 1) 50s 2) 220 3) Virginia 4) Beginning Exerciser 5) 5 days a week 6) Sometimes 6) Dinner 7) 3-4 8) 10-14 9) I wait 5 mins. Then 10. Then 15. I quit smoking. I can do anything. IF I really want it and it fits in my goals, I will have it. No bad food. 10) Salmon, veggies, side salad
  • I quit smoking in September 2013 after a habit of nearly 40 years. I had wanted to quit for a long time and did quit a number of times, but never for long. Then I lost my job. All of my wonderful reasons to quit -- my family's pleadings, the health concerns -- all came together around money. I could no longer "financially"…
  • 1. Be fabulous. 2. How horrible would it be to turn heads? 3. Rest well beloved. Tomorrow we battle.
  • This. Really. Eat what you enjoy, just smaller portions. I eat bacon and chocolate nearly every day, plenty of vegetables and fruit, chicken and salmon, the occasional cheeseburger, eggs, greek yogurt, and cream in my coffee. I eat breakfast only if I am hungry. I hate skim milk and low-fat tastes terrible to me. I walk 30…
  • There is so much information that it can feel like drinking from a fire hydrant. Please don't get discouraged. I want to recommend the following two posts here at MFP. They were written by a couple of long time and very successful members. Please take the time to read through both slowly, and then repeat. :-) The links in…
  • 1200 is low. Reset your goals to .5 to 1 pound a week or use the Custom setting under goals to set your net calories to about 1600-1700 for starters. Try that for a while and see how you feel. You should not feel like you are starving. This is trial and error and you will need to do some tweaking along the way to hit the…
  • Don't stress it. Check out the online menu before you go, make the best choices you can, mind your portion sizes, and enjoy being with your family. Next time you know in advance that you are going out for a meal, plan your day around that so you have enough calories for that meal. One meal and one day is not going to toss…
  • My version of Asian Coleslaw includes chopped steamed broccoli and some diced red bell pepper. Recently I've been adding kale and sliced brussels sprouts. I use the shredded cabbage ready for slaw that you find in bags next to all the other bagged salads in the produce department. Saves me tons of time. I also use Ken's…
  • Hi! I notice your ticker says you have 28lbs to lose and that makes me curious how you've set your goals if you actually have 80lbs to lose. Just curious. A couple of things. Water will help stave off hunger a bit and it is critical that you are getting a minimum of 8 cups each day. Actually, you want to take your current…
  • Face of Bo, 13 of 16. I feel like I should have done much better.