

  • Thanks for sharing that link. I watched the whole thing and can say I will be avoiding as much of this as I can. I don't drink soda often or indulge in many packaged foods but will be even more careful about reading labels. It's all about awareness. Type 2 diabetic and other heath issues will be easier to treat I am hoping.
  • I am new to this community and just beginning to take back control over my body. I am struggling daily to stay determined and keep my focus on my goals. I will never be "skinny" and that's fine. I'm what we call "big boned" and that's ok. However I feel really old and I shouldn't. So take what I say with a big grain of…
  • I quite 11-11-11 while on a vacation from work. I didn't go anywhere on vacation so it was a "staycation" but it meant I wasn't around anyone who smokes. I didn't tell my husband and he didn't notice for 4 days. I did tell my best friend at work who is a smoker and her response challenged me. She said 'I'll believe it when…
  • If you have a Walgreens near by they can test you for free. They have minute clinics now and it is very fast. Good luck. Something I use for those low sugar times (haven't had one in a while) is a box of Horizon Organic 2% chocolate milk. It's got the protein and suger all in one handy little serving size container.
  • Welcome Kelley. You are safe here. No bulling, no judgement, no negatives. Let me know if I can help in any way. Cheryl:heart:
  • I would have said something sarcastic and mean like "Yes, the abortion didn't work" or something like that. I too had this happen and I secretly wished I was so I had an excuse. Very hurtful. I'm sorry they did that to you. I guess chalk it up to insensitivity and move on.:tongue:
  • I have never been told not to eat seafood. I was never big on it but have enjoyed some shell fish from time to time, canned tuna often, canned salmon occasionally and fresh fish rarely. Now I crave it all the time and have been eating fish of all sorts, several times a week. I will ask my Dr. about this the next time I see…
  • Thanks for thinking of starting this group. It is just what we all seem to need. Aging sucks and now we can lament and support each other as we go forward in the process. It helps to know we are not alone or unusual regarding the problems loosing weight and maintaining healthy living. This is a great start......thanks
  • I say stop worrying about her and take good care of your own health and well being. If her posts hurt you hide them. If she is insensitive in person limit the contact. If she asks why, tell her, but otherwise she won't get it. You can't change her. You can only change how you deal with her. What she does is out of your…
  • Me too. Same meds. etc.. Tests are all in the normal range Dr. said I was getting too much so cut back. Weight gain began and now my diabeties is out of wack. Double that med., diet, excersize so far hasn't made a difference. I increased my thyroid meds and now the sugar is coming down so I hope the weight will too. I…
  • Hi I am new to the group. I have been using the program for a couple of weeks now and I think it is very helpful. I quite smoking on 11-11-11 and have been gaining weight steadly. It started before I quite so I don't think it is totally due to that. I have type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia and thyroid issues so am dealing with…